Despite the countrywide lockdown, India has detected 1,000 COVID19 cases in the last 2 days. It took 59 days to detect the first 1,000 cases, 4 more days to report the next 1,000 & only 2 days thereafter to cross 3,000. Total cases are 3,072 now.

Detected cases in Delhi crossed 400 after 59 were reported today, taking the UT’s total to 445. In Maharashtra, confirmed cases have reached 523, 47 of which were reported today, as per state government data. The health ministry’s update shows the total in state to be 490.

42% of COVID-19 patients in India are aged 21-40 years, 33% 41-60 years, Lav Agarwal, joint secretary at the health ministry, told the media today. See this chart for the age-wise detection of the virus.

Of the 2,650 active cases nationwide, 58 patients are in a critical condition--most of them in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi, Agarwal said.

(Compiled by Shreya Raman)